The earlier someone starts using substances, the greater their chances of developing an addiction. For example, 90% of people with a substance use disorder began using drugs and alcohol before the age of 18. This means that age matters. To help solve for this problem, the coalition  implement strategies that (1) limit access to substances; (2) change the culture and context within which decisions about substance use are made; and/ or (3) shift the consequences associated with youth substance use. Evidence exists that implementing this comprehensive approach at the local, state, and national levels can reduce community-level alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, opioid, and other drug problems.   

Media with positive messages about staying away from alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and other drugs

Continued support of the All Stars Trading Card program which has created positive peer influencers for the Smithville School District since 2010

Work to change the environment in Smithville by collaborating with our retailers, changing policies and increasing barriers to make substances like alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and other drugs less available to youth in Smithville 

Train our leaders and community members on the latest in prevention science and best practices for youth substance use prevention

Engage youth in the process of advocacy at the local, state and national levels

Get different sectors involved in the work including inviting area churches to host 5th Quarter events after home football games

Support monthly after school meetings of the Smithville Youth Coalition and activities during the school year

Support the Smithville School District in helping develop skills that make student resilient including paying for the All Stars Curriculum.